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Who We Are

We are proud to introduce the result of a unique and extraordinary interaction between two shores of the rum world. Behind this creation stays cooperation between the Czech rum community and UPB (Ultra Premium Brands) company. The core and the most important principle for us is to bottle only the best barrels that we manage to „hunt down“ from the Caribbean. And because hunting the best barrels has become our mission, we have chosen one of the most feared hunters of all time as our symbol.

Degustacni tym v akci
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PROJECT MANAGERS: Josef Janíček, Jiří Rabel
MASTER TASTERS TEAM: Jaroslav Kraif, Zdeněk Polách, Radek Stejskal, Aleš Tuček
GRAPHIC AND DESIGN: Jiří Novotný-Kuzma, UPčo Krwocuc UPIRovič

At full throttle

Our Team

Josef Janicek, vedouci projektu a degustator

Josef Janíček

Project Manager, Master Taster

„Nobody can know where we are going if the leaders do not know.“

Jiri Rabel, vedouci projektu a degustator

Jiří Rabel

Project Manager, Master Taster

„Best rum either from your doctor or from Ultra Premium Brands.“

Radek Stejskal, deustator a textar

Radek Stejskal

Master Taster, Scripts

“Be the inferior of no man, or of any men be superior.”

Jaroslav Kraif, deustator a textar

Jaroslav Kraif

Master Taster, Scripts

“Read, study and try new things.”

Radek Stejskal, deustator a textar

Zdeněk Polách

Master Taster

„It is a great luck sometimes that you don’t get what you want in life. But you have to fight for it everytime.

Jaroslav Kraif, deustator a textar

Aleš Tuček

Master Taster

And what will other people think about it? This question killed more dreams than anything else.”

Jiri Novotny - Kuzma, grafik

Jiří Novotný – Kuzma

Graphic Designer

“It’s better to have beer in the stomach than have water on the lungs.”

UPco Krwocuc UPIRovic, grafik

UPčo Krwocuc UPIRovič

Graphic Designer

„It is good to be (or perhaps to drink?) alone for a long time, so you can be among people for a while.“

Our Partner

Jiri Rabel a Jakub Janecek, Ultra Premium Brands

Jiří Rabel a Jakub Janeček

Ultra Premium Brands

Copyright © RUM SHARK s.r.o., 2020. Všechna práva vyhrazena.